Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wild Girl

Do I look confused? Maybe not since this was just before Madeleine woke up, eyes wide open, breathing over the vent and started kicking her arms and legs around like she was trying to swim. I changed her diaper, it was full of pee and a pile of little yellowish "seed" things that when one of the nurses saw them, asked if she was being fed breast milk. Yes! So that mystery is cleared up.

Ten minutes later, she's STILL flailing and making "cry" faces and eyes wide open...I was a little more than freaked out by this point since I'd never seen her this active, and this WILD. She had yet another diaper change (15 mins. had passed) ...more pee and poo. Lovely! STILL didn't calm her down! Then, her nurse fed her, unswaddled her (she was warm...NOW I know...) flipped her on her belly and she was instantly calm. *sigh*. she uses the little roll at the end of her bed to push her bottom way up in the air and stick her tongue all the way out.

I've never been around babies, ever. Especially not one this small...and have never seen the signs or watched the changes they go through. She's been through a lot and I worry about her. I'm the only one that seemed to be concerned today...she just went from "sleep all day" to "WOOHOO!" in half a day's time. The crying faces, the eyes wide open looking around like she's lost, the flailing...she's in that box and I don't really know what to do to help her. She was wilder today than when they sedated her a few days back...that confused me.

After talking to the charge nurse, she explained that the hydrocortisone she's getting could be giving her this burst of energy, or she could just be feeling so much better after peeing off some of that fluid she's been retaining. I'm just not good yet at discerning the signs and stringing them altogether.

She looks so good to me though...she's filling out and her skin is a beautiful, even tone...she's my Pretty Peanut Princess of Power. She's now sleeping soundly with her arm wrapped around her little bear blanket (suddenly, he's ok to touch now...they must have kissed and made up) This sure is a crash course in BABY! I missed Baby 101 and went right to the master's program. God doesn't send us anything we can't handle...right?!


  1. That's great you're able to feed her breast milk! Madeleine looks so beautiful and I still just love the pink bow! Even though my girls weren't born premature, I can relate to not knowing anything about babies. When we brought Sam home from the hospital, I hadn't even changed a diaper yet. I didn't know that I should have been doing this at the hospital - ooops! You're a great mom and you'll learn as you go along.
    Love, Tiff

  2. Even though I had 4 other children, having a 24 weeker was a whole new lesson in motherhood. It was like being a first time mom again. All the new rules and percautions you have to take with a wee one. You're doing a great job.
    I wish I would have kept a journal like you have. I really enjoy seeing her progress and how big she's getting. She brings back alot of memories.
    God Bless your family, Josette

  3. awwww isnt she a pretty little thing!
