Friday, April 24, 2009

Piggy Peanut

Widdle Biddy Toes! Wanna see them a little closer...ENHANCE!! (props to Cute Overload on that one)

I'm badly in need of a manicure. :)

Peanut has been a giant piggy that past few days. She's now up to 3 lbs. 2 oz! It's unreal. She's up to 21 ml of milk, and will be on full feeds tomorrow I'm guessing. She's completely off of the TPN, which is a blessing for her liver. Her PICC line has been removed since she no longer gets those fluids and if she needs medication, it will go in her feeding tube. She now has both arms and hands completely free to grasp tubes and wave her hands wildly in the air! She's hovering around 53% oxygen, still bouncing up and down with her oxygenation...she'll be 80 one second...then 97 the next.

We will be celebrating a double birthday this Wednesday...Tim will be a quarter century old, and Peanut will be 6 weeks (32 weeks adjusted). A father-daughter birthday bash!


  1. wow, tim is 25 and everyone thinks i look like him... i wont leave a name cause we all know who this is

  2. Are you old enough to be blogging young man?! :) Madeleine has no room to talk about that one, huh?!

  3. great aunt barbaraApril 24, 2009 at 6:14 PM

    Lots of little steps to celebrate each day!
    Slowly but surely all those little steps
    are adding up to big ones. God is blessing
    Madeleine each day. He has many important
    things in store for her. Love, G.A. Barbara

  4. well i am not blogging im just saying he's like 564 years old and we're still twin thingies
