Saturday, April 18, 2009

Puffy Peanut

Dark and warm, a good place to grow mushrooms...and Peanuts! Madeleine's Peanut Palace has been covered like this for a few weeks...she likes it dark, the way it's supposed to be in her world right now.

Madeleine has been retaining water the past few days. There's a few reasons why she could be doing this, all too complicated (even though probably fairly simple) for me to explain right now since my brain is a little "dull" this evening. She's not peeing as well as she once was...her body is growing and metabolism changing. They've been weening her vent settings frequently and then had to go back one's like when you give a good pull to the toilet paper and sometimes more comes off the roll than you need and you have roll it back a bit! Kinda like that.

I'm getting a little jealous but being ultimately any given moment I can turn any direction and see a mom holding her baby all connected to tubes and wires. I have to settle for holding my hands on her head and legs. She doesn't like her back touched, it probably tickles or just doesn't feel great. Her skin is soft like silk and she's warm and smells sweet. Can't wait to get my hands all over that sweet punkin muffin of love!

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